These creatures are one of the most beautiful visitors to gardens across much of the central United States. Not only are they beautiful, but they are important pollinators that make it possible for flowers to thrive and food to grow. Many flowers and food products with flowers must have pollinators like bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies stop by to sample their nector and spread their pollen to reproduce. The number of Monarch butterflies has been declining for many years. In part it is because the habitat and plants that monarchs need are being removed from our landscaped yards, from garden spots, and from parks and natural areas. The IL Monarch Project is out to remedy this problem by getting seeds into the hands of all who are willing to plant a monarch garden in any of these areas. Are you one of these people? If you are you need to take the monarch pledge at or the Sierra Club site. We are lining up organizations to help with this. One organization is the Fondulac Library in East Peoria. They are going to be having a seed exchange this spring, depending on Covid 19 issues. They will also be available at East Peoria Farmers Market, or you can contact Bob Jorgensen at for more information. Each seed packet will have advice on how to best plant and grow your monarch essential plants.